S44 Joins EVRoaming Foundation, a Global Leader in Electric Charging Protocols as Newest Contributing Member

New Jersey, USA – October 2022 – S44,LLC, a digital experience company based in the United States and Germany, has joined the EVRoaming Foundation alongside Shell, AB Volvo, Add Energy/Flo, Google, with the goal to support the independent free-to-use Open Charge Point Interface(OCPI) roaming protocol worldwide. And to contribute on new developments.
Having developed both a customer-facing EV charging mobile application in 2021 and software powering national electric vehicle charging networks in U.S. and Canada this year, S44 stands to be an impactful Foundation member.
“We believe that electric charging is one of the most fundamental digital experiences in future mobility, and that the EVRoaming Foundation aligns perfectly with our mission to make that experience accessible to every driver alike, said Julian Offermann, S44 CEO and Founder. “We are excited to collaborate with the Foundation in bringing EV players together to advance the solution stack on data exchange and interoperability,” he added.

EVRoaming Foundation’s mission is to facilitate roaming services for charging electric vehicles and provide transparent information to consumers about charging locations and prices, by use of the open and independent Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI) protocol; allowing any EV driver to charge at any charging station: simplify, standardize, and harmonize.
The Foundation support organizations and governments with information to improve accessibility of charging infrastructure and manages and maintains the OCPI protocol and ensures its free availability, to guarantee roaming according to open standards for any EV driver.
“We are glad to see that roaming for electric vehicle charging is gaining traction in all geographies. Adding American members to our organization is key to drive a broad acceptance of standard methods and protocols, OCPI. We express a warm welcome to S44,” said Arnaud Mora, EVRoaming Foundation Chairman.
With the current focus on improving existing OCPI 2.2.1 models, the community – to include S44 – will look to also define OCPI 3.0 through a focus on an improved architecture, direction for managing CDRs, data availability, and state of chargers.
About S44
S44 is a digital experience company based in the United States and Germany, and virtual teams across Europe. With over a decade of experience in software engineering and customer experience, and expertise in energy distribution, electric vehicle charging, and product configuration, S44 applies tech innovation in support of a more sustainable world. Connect with S44 www.s44.team or via LinkedIn
AboutEVRoaming Foundation
EVRoamingFoundation Is a global Foundation based in the Netherlands. The mission of theFoundation is to achieve full EV roaming for everyone in an open and transparent manner, with correct information sharing according in line with all consumer laws. We aim to ensure cross border access to charge infra networks and help companies and governments with the right information to achieve this.The EVRoaming Foundation maintain and develop the free to use roaming protocolOCPI.