Digital Twin: Energy Distribution Virtual Model
No More Waste in Energy Generation

Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Kopernikus SynErgie project was conducted by the University of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer Society.
The energy supply from renewable sources such as wind and solar fluctuates and is not as predictable as traditional energy sources. As a result, energy supplies vary from abundant to limited. The Kopernikus project SynErgie is investigating how the energy sector can help balance out these fluctuations by flexibly adapting energy supply demands through an adjustment of electricity consumption.
Working alongside the University of Stuttgart, we created an application for the Kopernikus project SynErgie which shows energy suppliers how best to utilize their resources. By focusing on power generated through furnaces, any surplus can be sold locally to ensure no wastage.

Unlock the Value of Underutilized Energy
Our team developed a digital simulation of industrial processes. Its visualizations reflect the fluctuation in renewable energy supply. As a result, we could visualize how energy production can be buffered during the production process and within a furnace so that the under-utilized energy can be sold in the local energy market.

No More Waste in Energy Generation
The “Digital Twin” simulation helps the SynErgie project articulate its future vision of an Energy Flexibility Market. It illustrates a synchronized and energy-adaptive production technology for flexible alignment of industrial processes to a fluctuating energy supply.